Bypass exporting

Bypass exporting

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Iran Aims To Start Oil Exports Bypassing Strait Of Hormuz In 2021

ایران میخواهد در سال 2021 نفت خود را از راه های فرعی تنگه هرمز صادرکند.

By Tsvetana Paraskova 

Iran says it aims to complete by March 2021 a long crude oil pipeline from its northwest deep in the Persian Gulf to a southern terminal east of the Strait of Hormuz, in order to export oil by shipping it first onshore to the terminal to bypass the world’s most critical oil chokepoint.   

According to Touraj Dehghani, Deputy CEO and Member of the Board at Iranian company Petroleum Engineering and Development Company (PEDEC), Iran will be able to bypass the Strait of Hormuz once the Goureh-Jask Crude Oil Pipeline project becomes operational.

The pipeline, which will cost US$2 billion, will be 1,100 kilometers (684 miles) long and capable of carrying 1 million bpd of crude oil from the Goureh oil terminal in the northwest to the Jask region on the Sea of Oman, without the need to have tankers travel through the Strait of Hormuz.

PEDEC’s Dehghani spoke to Iranian media while tensions between Iran and the West continue to run high in the Middle East. In one of the latest incidents in the Gulf,

Iran seized a British-flagged oil tanker in what appeared to be a retaliatory move after the British overseas territory Gibraltar seized an Iranian oil tanker with the help of the UK Royal Marines at the beginning of July.  

In the Persian Gulf, just two oil producers—Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)—currently have some (limited) options for bypassing the Strait of Hormuz, where the daily transit in 2018 was 21 million barrels of oil per day,

 or the equivalent of some 21 percent of global petroleum liquids consumption. Iran, like all others, currently relies on the strait to get its oil to the market. Iran’s arch rival in the region,

Saudi Arabia, plans to boost the capacity of its East-West pipeline stretching from the oil fields in the east (and on the Gulf) to the Yanbu port on the Red Sea in the west, in order to have more of its oil exports bypassing the Strait of Hormuz.    

(بازدید 13,509 بار, بازدیدهای امروز 1 )
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