“our Reduction is beyond of OPEC”

نواک: کاهش تولید ما بیش از توافق بوده

Russia energy minister sees options for OPEC deal, including production rise

  • نواک، وزیر انرژی روسیه:کاهش تولید روسیه فراتر از توافق با اوپک  بوده است.
  • الکساندر نواک، وزیر انرژی روسیه، اعلام کرد که کشورش در ماه ژوئیه امسال تولید نفت خود را فراتر از توافق با سازمان کشورهای صادرکننده نفت (اوپک) و متحدانش کاهش داده است.
  • در ماه ژوئیه، روسیه تعهدهای خود طبق (توافق) اوپک و متحدانش را اجرا کرد. تا پایان ژوئیه، تولید در مقایسه با ماه اکتبر سال ۲۰۱۸ میلادی ۲۹۰ هزار بشکه کمتر بود.
  • در ماه اوت سال ۲۰۱۹ میلادی روسیه قصد دارد تولید خود را در سطح مورد توافق با اوپک و متحدانش حفظ کند.
  • OPEC and its allies held their ministerial monitoring committee meeting, known as the JMMC, on Sunday in the Saudi Arabian city of Jeddah. 
  • Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih told reporters at the event that he was recommending “gently” driving oil inventories down. But he added that OPEC would not make hasty decisions about output ahead of a June meeting.
  • Russia has been vocal about raising production while OPEC’s de-facto leader, Saudi Arabia, has been wary of a possible price crash that an output increase could cause.
  • RussianEnergy Minister Alexander Novak said there were different options available for OPEC and its oil-producing allies in the second half of 2019, including a possible raising of output.
  • The OPEC+ alliance held a ministerial monitoring committee meeting, known as the JMMC, on Sunday in the Saudi Arabian city of Jeddah. The producers agreed to continue monitoring the oil market and are set to meet again in late June to review their oil supply cut agreement.
  • “As far as our joint plan of action for the second half of the year. We are supportive of continuing our cooperation with our colleagues from other countries,” Novak told CNBC’s Dan Murphyin Jeddah, according to a translation.
  • “But this continuation could depend to various extents on how the situation unfolds by this time and what the forecasts for supply and demand will be on the market. If it turns out that there will be a shortfall in the market then we will be prepared to examine options linked with a possible increase in production,” he said Sunday.
  • His comments come five months into a fresh round of production cuts from OPEC+. The deal is designed to stop inventories building up and weakening prices. Russia has been vocal about raising production while OPEC’s de-facto leader, Saudi Arabia, has been wary of a possible price crash that an output increase could cause. The output cuts have helped oil prices to rise more than 30% so far this year.
(بازدید 13,634 بار, بازدیدهای امروز 1 )
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